Saturday, May 2, 2009

First project (Paid to Click)

First I'm going to tell you about myself.I'm the youngest in our family. Already 27 and has plans of getting married by the age of 28 or 29. And just like you guys I also want to make some extra cash. So, I tried to look for other ways to make my lifestyle and my family's lifestyle congenial. I thought of venturing online. What the heck! saw a lot of sites and got interested... It's a Gamble right? But hey! Everything in life is a gamble. Lets just say i have a brave heart because i take the risk and always seeking truth on every site that i can find that says "EARN MONEY". You might dip into a lot of sites like these over the net BUT (take note there's a "BUT") of course once you encountered them a lot of questions will come to mind "Is this legit?", "Is this legal?" and the most important question is "ARE THEY REALLY GOING TO PAY YOU?". Well you wont know if its true unless you try. Hey! As they say there's no harm in trying. We(you and me) will try!. i know it will eat a little of my time and your time but think of this if we knew all the sites who are paying it will be very beneficial to you and me. Lets do it like this Ill help you but you have to help me too... Ill share you all i know in making money online. Don't expect too much okay? because I'm still learning.

You want to learn along with me?

Some tips from experts:

Lets make this a project ok? just like we we're in grade school

Here's our first project PTC or Paid to Click sites. Underneath you will see the sites I was able to collate. Read some good reviews/forums about them, and its free to participate. tips already followed great!

Paid to view ads/links for a few seconds

Here are the steps:

First step
Make an account on:
*If you don't want to link credit/debit card. Make sure your country caters Paypal so it can be wired to you bank account*
Note: make sure you have it activated so you'll have an account this is where your earnings will be transferred

Second step
register to these sites:

Learn the site (i already learned it myself)

Ok, I know its only a $0.01 view per ads (think about it $0.01 = your country's currency rates on dollar). In this game you will earn a lot if you refer a lot. like what im trying to do with you right now you will be my referral.

This is how it works...
You click ads to get paid and your referral will do it as well and their referral will do it too and your referral's referral and so on and so forth. confusing huh? lol just to cut is short u get a certain percentage per referral per level. So it is not impossible to earn $10 a day or even more.

This will be our first project for now. Lets see if we will make something :) if this works ill go find our next earning money online project :) or if you know a site that you want to checkout if it pays please feel free to share. We can make that our next project :)

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